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Monday 17 February 2014

Masalah Ketidaksuburan

Masalah ketidaksuburan bukanlah masalah biasa lagi apabila 10 peratus daripada setiap populasi negara menghadapinya. Setiap 10 pasangan yang sudah berkahwin, satu pasangan pasti mengalami masalah ketidaksuburanNamun, masyarakat sering menuding jari kepada wanita atau isteri apabila memperkatakan soal kemandulan atau penyebab tiada zuriat walhal peratus punca ketidaksuburan lelaki dan perempuan adalah sama banyak.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Shaklee Product Terbukti Keberkesanannya

Mereka berani mencuba Produk Shaklee dan telah berjaya menjalani kehidupan dan kesihatan yang baik seperti yang diinginkan...Anda bila lagi???Tak kan nak tengok orang lain jer boleh...

Hubungi Saya :

FB KZ Healthy Beuty | 0111-1669690 (sms/whatsapp) |

*Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit.
*Jika anda rasa maklumat ini bermanfaat jangan lupa clik "google +1"
*COD - Sungai Buloh; Kuang; Paya Jaras; Bukit Rahman Putra; 
Subang Bestari; Kg Melayu Subang; Bukit Subang; 

Healing Crisis

Anda pernah mengalami situasi begini ke???Tetiba rasa macam semakin teruk bila ambik mana-mana supplement....Anda rasa macam supplemet yang anda ambik tak berkesan jer kan???..jangan risau yer,sebenarnya apa yang anda sedang alami ini dipanggil healing crisis..Pernahkah anda alami situasi macam mereka ni???

Mari kita baca lebih lanjut. Credit untuk MamaFaiz. Jom baca soalan2 yang berkaitan tentang ini….buat rujukan dan guidance..


QWhat is healing crisis?

AHealing crisis is a process in which the body undergoes an intense period of cleansing and rebuilding. As part of the healing process the body will begin to discard toxic residues which have build up in your body over the years. During the process of toxic elimination, your body will experience some of the uncomfortable signs and symptoms, and this is recognized as healing crisis. In Chinese Medicine philosophy, true healing should always be preceded by a healing crisis.

QWhy is healing crises happen after taking health supplements?

AAccording to Professor Yoshio Niwa, an expert in molecular nutrition, when we increase our nutrients intake, the nutrients will react with the oxygen in the body. And this reaction actually promotes and stimulates the body organ to perform harder to do cleansing, eliminating, replaces old tissues with new tissues, balancing etc. For example, you may be experience more skin rashes, more bowel movement, and these is a sign of the body is going through an intense detoxification. Imagine if your body is like the rusty iron pipes, and when you put in some rust agent or pipe cleaner, initially more rust will be coming off from the wall of the pipes (toxic), and that may make you feel worse and more dirt flooding around the pipe. But after the rust is all cleanse, then the pipe will become nice and clean again.

QIs healing crisis a good sign?

AYes. Healing crisis is a sign that shows that the treatment or the supplement that you are taking is working. Some people might think that their symptoms got worst, but instead it is a process of natural healing and it is absolutely a good sign to have to move towards to a real healing process. Generally, healing crisis only happen on healthy person as it indicates that your vitality is still strong enough to create a response on the biological changes during the healing process. However, when there is no healing crisis, it may be because either the person is toxins free and is on optimum well balanced health, or he/she’s vitality is too weak and the body is unable to go through any healing process.

QDoes everyone experience the same signs and symptoms during healing crisis?

A: Everyone is different. Some people experience healing crisis right after he/she took the supplement and others will only occur after a month or two. The severity is also different. The more toxic one’s bodily systems are, the more severe the healing crisis.

QGenerally, how long does healing crisis last?

AIt depends on the individual’s health condition. It may lasts for 2-3 days or months.

QMany people feel better after taking supplement, but I have been using supplement for a while, and I did not notice any difference at all, why?

AGenerally, after 1 to 2 months of supplementation, you should feel some changes (eg. Increase energy, better bowel movemet, etc.) If you did not notice any improvement, the possible explanations are:

1You did not consume regularly

2You did not follow the recommended dose

3Afraid of the healing crisis may be too intense, stop taking all together

4Poor diet and life style

5Chronic disease, requires a longer period to recover

6Chronic condition,

Healing crisis sign and symptoms

Healing Crisis
Possible Reasons/Causes
Lethargy, sleepiness
Acidic body, poor liver function, over exhausted, need more rest
Headache, heavy headed
High blood pressure, sign of detoxification
Fever, slight fever, restlessness
Increase metabolism, stimulate body immune function
Diarrhea, increase bowel movements, passing out a dark, smelly stool, foul-smelly urine
Sign of detoxification, accumulated waste and residue in the colon
Flatulence, gassy stomach
Poor digestive system
Break out, rashes, itchy skin, bad sweat, mucus secretion, dandruff
Poor liver function, poor colon health and elimination system
Mucus production such as, phlegm, running nose
Poor lung function, passing out phlegm is also a sign of detoxification
Nasal bleeding
May be a sign of anaemia
Muscles and joints are aching and pain
Acidic body, toxins accumulated at the affected area
Increased pain in affected part of body
Speed up the healing process
Insomnia or hyperactive
Poor nervous system
Irregular period, changes in period, itchy bottom, increased mucus secretion
Hormonal imbalance, in the process of hormone regulation
Bleeding with bowel movements
May be haemorrhoid
Dizziness, hunger
Hypoglycemia, anaemia
Nausea, constipation, hiccups
Poor digestive system, liver problem
Slight edema (swelling)
Kidney problem

Reference: Dr. Mary Ruth Swope, Columbia Unversity

Anda dah dapat input macam mana healing crisis berlaku kan..Ia adalah bersifat sementara sahaja kerana ianya belum adapt dalam diri anda..Ia berlaku disebabkan faktor pemakanan masyarakat sekarang yang gemar mengambil makanan berasid,makanan dalam tin... Anda mungkin mahu menambah AlfalfaAlfalfa atau Herb-Lax dalam mengurangi kesan healing crisis. Apa yang penting adalah konsultasi dari penjual anda.

Hubungi Saya :

FB KZ Healthy Beuty | 0111-1669690 (sms/whatsapp) |

*Produk ini bukan bertujuan untuk mendiagnos, merawat, menyembuhkan atau mencegah sebarang penyakit.
*Jika anda rasa maklumat ini bermanfaat jangan lupa clik "google +1"
*COD - Sungai Buloh; Kuang; Paya Jaras; Bukit Rahman Putra; 
Subang Bestari; Kg Melayu Subang; Bukit Subang; 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Kenapa Kita Memilih Alfalfa Shaklee

Alfalfa Sahklee merupakan produk pertama sekali yang dicipta oleh Dr. Forrest C Shaklee pada tahun 1950an. Maka Alfalfa Shaklee merupakan produk signature Shaklee Corporation. Alfalfa atau dalam bahasa saintifiknya Medicago sativa adalah sejenis tanaman yang dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan untuk ternakan. Dikenali sebagai Alfalfa dibenua Amerika, ia juga dikenali sebagai lucerne di UK, Australia, Afrika Selatan dan New Zealand

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Testimoni Set Kurus Shaklee

Assalamualaikum....hari ni saya nk berkongsi sedikit testimoni pelanggan Shaklee yang telah berjaya menurunkan berat badan mereka... Set Kurus Shaklee terdiri daripada 3 peringkat:-
Mari kita sama-sama ketahui manfaat perkongsian pada hari ini

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Kenapa Berdiet Tapi Berat Tak Turun

Mesti anda selalu tertanya-tanya sendirikan..kenapalah dah amalkan diet tp tak de kesan pun...Badan masih maintain berat jer lagi...xde perubahan pun...Ada yang try produk kecantikan tp tak de kesan pun....

Monday 10 February 2014

Atasi Masalah Kegemukan Anda

Dewasa ini, ramai sangat masyarakat kita tergolong dalam kalangan obesiti...Masalah ni tak kira lelaki mahupun perempuan...Ada orang yang gemuk disebabkan genetik dan ada juga disebabkan faktor pemakanan...2 la akak2 n abang2 kat sana klau dapat mkn lupa nk control,hihihi...Mesti anda semua nk cantik, langsing dan untuk lelaki pulan xnak perut buncit kan...jadi marilah kita mengamalkan ke arah mempunyai berat badan ideal...Banyak tau manfaat bila kita ni ada berat badan yang ideal, antaranya :

Saturday 8 February 2014

Penawar Demam Denggi

Assalammualaikum....hari ni saya nk berkongsi sikit tentang berita mengenai demam denggi yang semakin meningkat sekarang ni...Jangan dipandang sekecik-kecik serangga ni xberbahaya kepada kita yer kawan-kawan.... Dengar pasal demam denggi ni kecut perut,mintak dijauhkanla untuk saya n insan tersayang....

Friday 7 February 2014

Zat Dan Nutrisi Tambahan Untuk Wanita Hamil

Kebanyakan wanita yang hamil untuk kali pertama akan mengalami pengalaman kurang menyelesakan kerana mengalami simptom simptom kehamilan yang agak berlebihan. Ini berpunca dari perubahan biologi tubuh dan keperluan nutrisi yang semakin bertambah untuk perkembangan bayi di dalam kandungan. Apakah nutrisi untuk wanita hamil?


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